Totem Guidance

Weekly Card Reading: June 16-22, 2014 – Prepare to Leap!

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Clarity of Belief

You are entering a period of great potential with respect to defining what you want in your life and then going after it. This week’s reading is a variation/continuation of last week’s in which we see ourselves really making great leaps forward. We are still moving within this energy of pure potentiality and it behooves us to take full advantage of it. One highly effective way to do that is through Clarity of Belief. It is time to get even clearer with respect to what we want. This may be with respect to relationships, career, personal growth or all three. Clarity allows for us to claim and embody that which we desire, and through the gaining of it we are able to communicate clearly to Spirit what it is that we want. Without a honed vision, we send mixed messages to the field of potentiality; this leaves us with mixed results, which leads us to feeling stuck and lost. Truly defining our dreams and desires is an act of self-love of the highest order, for it shows us and the Divine that we are ready to really embrace ourselves and our lives. This leads to transformation, an increased capacity for love, and a greater feeling of connectedness to Spirit.

Spread Your Wings

The empowerment that naturally occurs as a result of this clarity creates the need for expansion. Spread Your Wings comes to tell you that you are ready. As you focus on defining who you are and what your path is, you will begin to feel uncomfortable in the position that you are currently in – in essence, you outgrow your own skin. It may or may not be a completely new path, but regardless it is an expanded path and it is unfolding before you in ways you most likely never imagined possible. It is time to open yourself completely to the new prospects that are about to present themselves to you and to embrace them fully and passionately.


The time for waiting is over! Put down the procrastination cap that you’ve been wearing: All that is needed is a leap of faith. Trust that the Divine supports you. This doesn’t mean that you should quit your job tomorrow and run away to Spain, but it does indicate that it’s time to get serious and start planning. How can you begin to align yourself with your new goals? What do you need to accomplish them? What steps can you take to move forward on this path so that when the time to jump presents itself, you are ready? Taking these steps sends the message out that you are in the process of running towards the cliff, preparing for the big jump ahead. Spirit always supports you in your heart based endeavors so let you heart lead you. This is the beginning of an entirely new or revitalized journey for you. When you take the steps to spread your wings, synchronicity begins to spark all around you. This is the Divine’s way of validating that you are on your path and providing the tools for you to take the leap in full faith.

This week’s reading is from John Holland’s Psychic Tarot for the Heart.

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