Totem Guidance

Weekly Card Reading: October 6-12, 2014 – Assert Your Fiery, Creative Self


You know that thing that you’ve been thinking about? That idea that keeps popping up over and over again that feels really good but that you keep kind of sticking on the back burner? Well, it’s time to take it out and have a really good look at it. This desire, this little thing that keeps whispering in your ear – it wants your attention right now, and it won’t let down until you address it.

Eight of Earth

The Eight of Earth comes through first in this reading to let us know that there may be some sort of education that needs to occur in order to breathe life into this idea. For some of us it may require going back to school, but for others it may be as simple as doing some research or seeking out some sort of mentor with whom we can apprentice. This is a passion project and this card reassures us that your skilled work will indeed be rewarded as long as we take the time to do the footwork needed to get it off the ground.

Queen of Fire

And really, the message couldn’t be any clearer. The Queen of Fire is all about putting your beautiful and fiery self out there in the world with confidence and full-knowledge of your power. Connect into your creative talents to bring your desires to life. This extends beyond just the project itself and into how to manifest it. We may need to think outside the box on this one. We need to do our research and we need to follow rules and guidelines, but our greatest triumphs can occur when we allow our intuitive, creative minds to work alongside the logical minds. This is not a time to play small. When we understand our true power and ingenuity, we can use the element of fire to transform and birth our wildest dreams.

The Knight of Earth

The Knight of Earth rounds out the message for us: We must buckle down and get things done! It’s time to move through the planning stages and get fully into action. This includes acquiring the education or training needed as well as coming up with a firm action plan that can allow us to take our initial steps. First and foremost, we have a commitment to ourselves to honor our soul voice in the world. When we deny this voice, we feel imbalanced, stunted and less than authentic. Allowing for our dreams to manifest in the world does a great service to everyone as it promotes inspiration, joy and integrity with one’s truth. This card is also the guardian angel card. Know that you are supported on your journey and that your angel is at your side wanting to help you. Ask for guidance and to be shown the next step and then allow for the message to come through. Be open to the many ways in which our angels speak to us and be aware of synchronicity. Magic is all around us when we are open to seeing it.

This reading is from The Angel Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.

3 thoughts on “Weekly Card Reading: October 6-12, 2014 – Assert Your Fiery, Creative Self

  1. Thank you for sharing this reading! I just got this deck and was wondering about a couple of things.. I’d drawn the queen of fire and eight of earth a few times, too. synchronicity! =)

    • It’s my pleasure and I’m glad the reading resonated. I love the synchronicity for you as well. You are really going to enjoy this deck – it is my go to for most readings with clients. The angels love to come through it!

  2. Pingback: Weekly Card Reading: October 13-19, 2014 – Illuminate the Heart, Banish Fears, Create with Love | Totem Guidance

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