Totem Guidance

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Weekly Card Reading: June 2-8, 2014 – Get Busy!

The Bee

It is time to get busy! This is a week for action and manifestation. At the beginning of the week, The Bee shows us that industry and organization will help us to get ahead. We’ve been working towards creating our dreams and we’ve reached the point where we would be better served enlisting the help of others. Bee energy is that of working towards the common good through a focused team effort. Where is it that you are feeling stuck? Take some time to sit down and evaluate your plan. Once you identify the areas that could use support, reflect on how you can find it. Perhaps you need a coach to help keep you motivated and focused. Maybe you need legal counsel. It could just be that you need a friend to bounce ideas off of. Regardless of what it looks like, enlisting this support can move you to the next level in the creative process. Bee also brings us good luck, so consider this card your personal harbinger of something great coming your way. Sweet victory is available to all those that are willing to claim it by creating it.

The Horse

The Horse comes to us mid-week with a further expression of the same message. Sometimes you need to be carried to get to the destination. Holding back and not accepting help from others at this point in time is actually detrimental to you. Examine your fears around this so that you can truly free yourself from the limitations of your ego. Horse also carries a message of freedom and choice. You always have a choice and freedom can be created by the way you opt to live your life. Right now, Spirit is asking you to step out of yourself so that you may benefit from the support that is always available to you. This is not just in the physical realm, but also in the spiritual. The Divine and your team of guides are always ready, willing and able to prop you up. Ask for help and be open to synchronicity – this is one of the ways in which they remove the obstacles that hold you back.

The Wind Faery

Remember that what we think is what we create and that everything around us is a reflection of what is going on in the mind. The Wind Faery asks you to pay special attention to your inner dialogue and to keep your thoughts clean. Are your thoughts empowering you or are they disempowering you? When you feel a thought that detracts from your highest good, shift it. Even a little awareness can go a long way in effecting change. The Wind Faery also encourages you to use your intellect. This is not the week for impulsiveness. You are taking very concrete steps in your life right now and it is a time for carefully thought out plans and visions. Your focus now need to be on getting to the proverbial drawing board so that you can make things happen. You are fully supported and good fortune is on your side!

For this week’s reading I used The Wisdom of Avalon oracle cards by Colette Baron-Reid.

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Weekly Card Reading: May 19-25 – Ignite Your Divine Spark!

Sacred Pool

Connecting with Spirit and our true divine nature allows us to maintain alignment with our higher purpose and to channel inspiration into creative and expansive endeavors. We begin the week with the Sacred Pool card. This card reminds us that we are a reflection of the Divine itself. What do we see when we look in the mirror? Take time this week to notice what it is that you are allowing to manifest and grow with respect to yourself. Are you feeling insecure? Do you doubt your abilities and strengths? Notice honestly exactly where you are so that you can begin to release any emotions that are holding you back from fully realizing the Divine spark that you are. Take some time to focus on all that you have done and how far you have come. You are a unique soul signature that is here with a special assignment and that is to be the best version of yourself, whatever that may be. Focus on the unique you-ness of you and celebrate it. The world needs you and your gifts, so share away!


As you go through this process you may experience moments of feeling lost or wayward. At these times, it is important to realign yourself with Spirit. Compass shows us that as long as we stay pointed towards our true North, which is our higher power, we cannot be truly lost. Sometimes our path is to wander a bit. Trying different things and learning varying skills and trades can ultimately be empowering. It can allow us to reach a richer understanding of ourselves. No matter what our path, Spirit never deserts us and she is accessible to you even in the darkest of moments. All that is required of you is to stop, be still, listen, and open your heart: You will be led exactly where you want to go.


When we move through this process of connecting with the Divine, when we examine our relationship to him and allow ourselves to surrender to her will, (which is the will of our highest self), we experience deep communion with the One. When this happens, we become true channels for Divine inspiration and wisdom. Allow this Spark to move through you. Open your heart to Spirit and to those around you so that your creative energies can ignite and bring forth your song into this world. Co-creation is your mantra this week. This may light the fire of new projects, new jobs, or new relationships, and regardless of the form that it takes when it shows up, if you are open to the limitless possibilities of creation, you will experience expansion and love.

This week’s reading is from The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid.

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Weekly Card Reading: April 14-20, 2014 – Embrace the Energies of the Full Moon

This week’s reading couldn’t be any more appropriate considering what is going on in the heavens in the upcoming days, as full moons and lunar eclipses highlight internal cleansing and releasing along with introspection and connection with Spirit. Luckily for us we have a full moon lunar eclipse occurring on the 14th/15th, so it is the perfect time to go within and leave behind all that no longer serves us.


We start the week with the Listening card. If prayer is talking to the Divine, then meditation is listening. Now is the perfect time to check in with yourself. Ask your higher self and Spirit what and who you need to release so that you may express yourself to the fullest of your potential. For many of us, it’s a time to finally leave behind behaviors, patterns, and limiting beliefs that hold us back. Listen from your heart and you will be sure to hear the message correctly. In addition to meditation, look for messages and signs around you that can add further insight into your queries. The Divine will speak to us in any way that we are willing to receive, and many times that is through another person, a piece of music, a picture, or the owl that is hooting outside your window. Remember to ask for the message and then be open to it.

Cleaning House

Release with the full moon by Cleaning House. The energies of 2014 have been prompting us to let go of old stuff and we have been doing a lot of work in this respect. As we become more in alignment with ourselves, we continue to shift and grow. Now is the time to hand over all that currently doesn’t support your highest good. A full moon ceremony is a perfect way to do this, but you can do it casually even – it’s the intention and the alignment with it more than anything else that carries the weight in this exercise. Write down all that you wish to release and then symbolically dispose of it by either carefully burning the paper or ripping it up. Create a prayer to accompany it so that the energy of the items will be carried away by the winds. What you clear now will allow you the space to invite in what you truly desire. As with any intention, you must be ready to align to it with integrity, so after you let go of the past and your baggage, be willing to stay disconnected from it. When you feel the pull to cling, remind yourself that the weight of the past will only deter you from moving towards the fulfillment of your dreams.


The energy of the full moon will stay with us for several days following the actual date of it. Now that you are a clear and open vessel, the Moonlight card asks you to connect more fully with your intuition. As you consider where you are heading, trust the answers that come to you. Your hunches are spot on right now, so believe in yourself, your insights, and the direction that Spirit is leading you. Get clear, and let her know exactly what your intention is so that she may guide you in the right direction. As stated above, remember that the Divine speaks to us in many ways. Keep an open mind and heart, use discernment, and open to your higher truth.

This week’s reading is from The Enchanted Map oracle card deck by Colette Baron-Reid.


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Weekly Card Reading: March 31-April 6, 2014 – Release and Flow!

Sad Embrace

Letting go is a natural part of life and growth, and while it can be difficult, it also allows us to plant the seeds of a different and more fulfilling future. Sad Embrace shows us that this is a time to allow for those relationships that have been draining you to be shed. It’s a synchronicity that this card came up as astrologically there is a shift that is occurring in which relationships that are on faulty ground are being brought into the light for examination and release if necessary. For those of you that have been holding onto something or someone that has ceased to have a positive effect on you and your life, it is time to let it go. Feel the sorrow and take time to nurture yourself as you go through this process. Understand that the tears can be seen as seeds for the future. What would you like your relationships to look like as you move forward? Take some time to reflect on where you are now and the direction that you would like to head with respect to the people that you share your path with. You have grown and changed a lot and with your transformation comes a shift in the type of person/personality that you want to have within your life experience.


The Mountain card reminds you that flow is your key word right now. There may be obstacles in your way as you move through your week and the easiest way to traverse them is not by climbing over them, but through allowing yourself to be like water and flow around them. I’m feeling that many of these obstacles are more perceived impediments than they are immovable obstructions. Step back and ask yourself: What is it that I’m being resistant to? Why am I holding onto my old beliefs/thoughts/patterns? Are they serving me? As you explore these questions, understand that an open mind and fluid attitude can be much more empowering for you. Open to the beauty of possibility and remember that it is limitless in nature if you just step out of your own way and allow for the energies to flow!

Details, Details

By the time you get to the end of the week, you will be seeing things with more clarity. The Details, Details card tells us that now that we have cleared some obstacles and are in the process of removing ourselves from difficult relationships, we will experience a new perspective that I’m feeling can open many doors for us. Pay attention to all that is around you as you move into these new agreements and notice the minute details for within them lays the truth. Remember that you can more accurately judge a person by their actions and their body language than by the words coming out of their mouths. As you hone in on the minutiae of these new opportunities, you will be able to best judge which truly work for you so that you may enter into them from a more empowered place.

This week’s reading is from The Enchanted Map oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid.

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Weekly Card Reading: March 17-23, 2014 – Good Things are Brewing!

Coming to Life

Things are stirring this week and a lot of stuff is being shaken up! We begin with the Coming to Life card. I feel this to be an awakening of sorts for most of us. We have shed another layer of skin and we are now emerging and we are more beautiful than ever! We are manifesting projects and birthing ideas and in general living more in alignment with ourselves and our higher purpose. Butterfly shows us the transformation that is occurring as we step out of our human cocoon full of grace and poise. We are holding a ball of light that will illuminate our way. We do not need to rush or force this process; this is a time of trust in Spirit that things are unfolding according to divine timing. Allow for the process by surrendering into it and trusting that we will be led where we are supposed to go.

Storm Fields

We must allow this faith to carry us through this time as indicated by the Storm Fields card. Things may be rough in the middle of the week as this process unfolds, but know that the storm is coming to clear the way – and the energy – for you so that you may move forward with a clean slate. The block that has been holding you and/or your projects back is about to erupt and then dissipate. Remember that the storm always cleanses the earth and allows for the seeds to spread and grow. This action will help to further bring your goals and dreams into the world.


With so much going on this week, you may feel tempted to second guess yourself. Moonlight calls to you to trust your intuition and to go within for the answers. When we suspend our need to control the outcome or the way the process looks and allow for the Divine to guide us instead, we open up to limitless possibility. The presence of Owl reminds us to be discerning and to allow our inner wisdom to illuminate the way. Your life is shifting and you are experiencing a lot of transformation and growth. Understanding that much will change around you as this occurs can allow you to feel more empowered in the process. Remember to step back, pause, reflect, and breathe! This is when the voice of Spirit can most easily reach you.

This week I used The Enchanted Map oracle cards by Colette Baron-Reid.

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Weekly Card Reading: March 3-9, 2014 – Pause, Embody, Receive

Deep Freeze

We start the week with a need for some long overdue self-care. The Deep Freeze card lets us know that it is time to slow down and take a pause. It feels like many of us have been pushing ourselves forward, and while action steps are necessary and right, at times what is needed is quiet and reflection. Take some time to withdraw at the beginning of the week. Curl up with a good book, write in your journal, reflect and what is important to you. This may be a time to put arguments on hold as well, as being tangled up in emotional webs will keep us from moving forward. Take a look at where your relationships are suffering and ask yourself what you can let go of. Allow this time to be one of a cleansing hibernation before spring; your seeds won’t be able to sprout if they are tarnished by anger and resentment.

Spirit of Place

Mid-week, the Spirit of Place beckons us to emerge from our cocoon. Now that we have reflected, we are able to best and most clearly put forth that which we wish to seek. This card reminds us that the answer to our question is embodied within the question itself. It is much like the Gandhi quote, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” If you want more love in your life, be love. If it is prosperity that you are seeking, allow yourself to be prosperous. By fully feeling and experiencing that which we desire, we allow ourselves to enter into the vibration of it. Once we are a vibrational match to it, we can attract it to us. Moreover, once we are it, we have already achieved the quest; there is no more need to seek it out.


The process of this week is perfect for opening us up to our intuition. We have paused, we have embodied our desires, and now it is time to allow for the answers to come to us. We are all intuitive beings and we are all able to receive guidance from Spirit. In the Moonlight card, we are beckoned to explore this side of ourselves and to open up our psychic senses. Owl flies across the moon, reminding us that discernment and wisdom are key components in this practice. Offer your query up to the Divine and then allow for the guidance to come to you. Remember that Spirit often speaks to us symbolically; be aware and open to the multi-faceted language of God. The more that you trust your intuition and the more that you act on it, the easier it will become to tap into it. Honor the guidance with discernment and wisdom, and you will be able to achieve all your dreams!

This week’s reading is from The Enchanted Map oracle cards by Colette Baron-Reid.

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Weekly Card Reading: February 10-16, 2014 – Prepare for a Big Shift and Lots of Love!

Magical Map Shifter

Something big is happening at the beginning of this week! Be prepared for someone new to come into your life either Monday or Tuesday. This person will be pivotal in creating an exciting change for you. The Magical Map Shifter card tells us that whoever it is, he or she will either show us or help us to realize something that will allow for a shift in our perspective so that we can be a more fulfilled and uplifted version of ourselves. Pay close attention and be very present in your life because I feel that for many of us, this person will actually not seem to play an obviously important role in our lives. Listen closely to the words of those around you as it may be a message that is delivered that allows for this change in consciousness to occur. The Divine often speaks to us through the mouths of loved ones and strangers alike, so be prepared to come across an earthly angel that can help you make some magic in your life.


Mid-week, we have the Rescue card. Remember that you are safe and cared for at all times. The change that occurs as a result of our chance encounter and subsequent epiphany may result in a shift that can feel imbalanced and uncertain at first, or it could be that some emotions arise that need to be addressed. For others, it may be something more concrete, like financial support or help finishing up a project. Remember that you are never alone and that help is always only a phone call away. This is not the time to try to get through it on your own. Reach out to find the hand of someone that can support you; all you need to do is ask. It is imperative to know, as well, that the Divine is always supporting you and the more aware of that you are, the less you will feel that you need rescuing.

Golden Palace

We end the week with our most popular week-ending card, the Golden Palace. This card has a double meaning. On the one hand, it tells us that we can expect abundance to come our way, and on the other, it reminds us that despite the ebbs and flows of money, true prosperity comes from within. In the context of this week’s reading, I’m being told that the weekend will be a great time for us to spend with our loved ones. Abundance is fully realized when we are able to share it with others and the resulting feelings of love and connection allow for more to flow to us. We create our own internal landscape, and we can choose for that to be a shack, in which we experience lack and mistrust, or for it to be a palace, in which we connect with Spirit through faith and trust and enjoy the opulence that comes from feeling blessed and cared for on all levels.

This week’s reading is from The Enchanted Map oracle card deck by Colette Baron-Reid.

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Weekly Card Reading: February 3-9, 2014 – Embrace Yourself!

We have a different type of reading today, as I felt very called to use two decks. I used both the Wisdom of Avalon deck by Colette Baron-Reid and the Psychic Tarot by John Holland. These two decks worked together nicely as an embodiment of this week’s reading to provide us with a very insightful reading.

Postive Movement ForwardJoy

We start the week with Positive Movement Forward and Joy. We are really making some progress in our lives right now, especially with creative endeavors. The number eight is a number of abundance, and this message shows us that we are creating our own wealth in all areas. The last few months have been intense, but we have been making steady progress towards our goals and dreams. We are being told now that we have entered a period of smooth sailing. The sun (star) is guiding us, so stay on course and remain focused to yield the best results. This naturally brings us joy and we are experiencing a lot of it right now. The sun is shown on a marker at the forefront of this card and the path is unfolding. This is not just  just about the receiving of prosperity, but also about the sharing of it. Joy begets joy, so spread the wealth!


We have a little bump mid-week, but it is nothing to worry about. I feel that for most of us, we are going to be asked to look at something that may make us a little uncomfortable. The Shadow card in this reading is about bringing that which is hidden to the light, and it is no mistake that the sun is a central part of the cards throughout the week. Put within the context of the entire reading, and along with the Forgiveness card, this release calls for us to be, above all, gentle with ourselves during the process. This week is about celebrating ourselves and experiencing the fruits of our labors, so with this in mind, be sure that forgiveness of yourself is at the forefront of whatever comes up. It is time to allow for buried resentments and anger to come to the surface so that they may no longer hold you back, and it is important to note that you do not have to dwell on them. Bring them to the light so that they may be quickly cleansed with the joy, forgiveness, and love that embrace you right now.


We roll into the weekend empowered by our choices and the way in which we have been able to process our emotions and move on. We are entering a period of Hope and Love. How wonderful is that?! As we forgive ourselves and others, we are able to love more completely and fully. This love extends to all of our relationships and to how we interact in the world in general. Remember that we hold the power of our the sun within our hands. With this, we are able to transform all that we desire to light. Use the energy to dispel negativity and remain in your power. Through the Love card, we see that we are ascending and in the Hope card we are shown our power – use it wisely and love will surround you. The Hope card can also indicate that a wish may come true. Coupled with Love, it may mean that your desires around relationships will now come to fruition. Be open over the weekend to welcoming in new opportunities and experiences so that you are in a place of receptivity and connection.


Weekly Card Reading: January 27-February 2, 2014 – Connecting with Others and Ourselves

Come Together

We start the week beautifully with the Come Together card. We are being shown that it is time to examine all of our relationships to find ways in which to harmonize and uphold them. Love needs to be expressed and shared with those around us, and by doing so we allow even more of it to come into our lives. The energy of the Giraffes keeps us grounded while also connecting us to the Divine, and that of the Pelican reminds us that forgiveness is the key to freedom. Let go of the baggage and extra weight that shows up in the form of resentments, anger, and anxiety so that you can soar. I’m being told that for some of us, this card is reminding us that relationships extend to any energy exchange as well, such as our relationship to our finances, our homes, and our visions. Take the time to see where you can spread some love and then do so. Notice how it feels in your body and pay attention to the ways in which it comes back to you.


The Listening card showed up for us again this week! We are getting ready for a big energy shift as we wrap up the Year of the Snake and head into the Year of the Horse (for more information on that, click here). A major part of this shift, though, is creating a vision of the seeds that we want to plant and subsequently harvest moving forward. Listening comes to tell us to check in with our higher selves and Spirit in order to receive the answers. Again, this information can come from anywhere, so in addition to silent meditation or reflection, the message you need may come to you from the world around you. Pay attention. I’m also hearing that this card in conjunction with Come Together is about tribe (Elephant reminds us of the importance of our clan). Check in for information regarding your partnerships and your community so that you have a clear idea around how your vision flows with respect to that of those around you.

Field of Dreams

Field of Dreams comes to us for the weekend, and it directly relates to the start of the Year of the Horse. I love it! Abundance comes to us when we are able to show up and do the work to co-create our dreams. We have been getting this message a lot in different ways over the past few months. This is the perfect time to take action. There are butterflies and hatching eggs in this picture, both of which are indicative of transformation. Now is the time to keep your thoughts clear and empowered. When you notice yourself slipping into worry or fear, change your thought pattern. This is a time to manifest, so beware of what you are creating. Ask Spirit to help you. When you feel anxiety arise, ask your angels to lift it and replace it with faith. It is a time to train yourself into a more conscious and empowered way of thinking. This along with proper attention and action to plant your seeds and care for them well will yield beautiful results.

This reading is from The Enchanted Map oracle cards by Colette Baron-Reid.

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Weekly Card Reading: January 20-26, 2014 – Revisit and Revise Your Dreams

Fortunately, things are calming down for us as we move beyond last week’s emotional upheavals. Now that the storm has passed, we can begin to move inward and forward once again. This is a week for checking in with ourselves and for co-creating something with the help of Spirit.


We begin the week with the Listening card. We did some serious work along with the help of the Wolf Moon last week, and we have recognized and released patterns and limiting behaviors that were holding us back. Now that we have sort of upgraded ourselves, it’s time to check back in and see what it is that we would like to create now. It is okay and even necessary to change our minds. As we grow and expand, we begin to adapt our desires to a different vibration. Even if you are still desirous of the same goals and visions, it’s time to tune in and see if there are any revisions that need to be made. Spirit would like to help you with this, and all she asks of us is that we listen. Open your hearts to the whispers of guidance that are coming to you from all around. Spend time in quiet meditation, but also open your ears to the words of others and to the sounds of your surroundings.

Wishing Well

Once we have revised our goals and visions, we are able to cast our new desires into the Wishing Well. This card shows us again that Spirit wants to aid us in the obtainment of our dreams, but in order for him to do so, we must remain in trust. It is time to cast the coin of our vision into the well, but once we do so, we must step away so that the Divine can work her magic. Allow for this to happen. When we attempt to control the way we think the manifestation of our dream should look, we cut ourselves off from the stream of infinite possibility.

Golden Palace

We will be rewarded. The Golden Palace (I’m noticing that this card shows up a lot for this group; apparently we need to be reminded of this often) shows us that the treasure is not only without but within. This process that we’ve been undergoing is transforming us and we are becoming richer every day and in every way. All of this is already inside of us – it lives in our hearts and we carry it in our souls – and knowing and understanding our value and worth and honoring that allows us to create the physical manifestation of our dreams. This card also reminds us to stay in faith, just like the other two cards that came to us this week. Trusting in our ability to co-create with Spirit is the key to freedom and the fulfillment of our life paths and purpose. What you wished for can and will come true if you stay out of fear and in faith that you already have everything that you desire.

This week’s reading is from The Enchanted Map oracle cards by Colette Baron-Reid.